Saturday 21 January 2012 @ 05:04 | 0 Comment [s]

+Assalamualaikum blogger's!!! sorry lama x update blog sbb mausk asrama! and my school name is SM Sains Banting... okay.. it's a new and fantastic school.. the school i very big.. sangat lah besar.. u guys can't imagine how big it is.. All the teacher's pon baik2.. semuanya sporting2 belaka.. I met a couple of new friend's name, Iffah, Aqilah and Ana. memang kiter org bt semua kerja sama2 lah.. yg lawak nyer satu org menangis.. semua menangis.. mwahahah.. lol :p.. kiter org nie mcm bff tau.. akk2 senior pown semua nya baik sangat.. well, at first memang i homesick sangat2 .. hampir everydy menangis.. kalau x dpt call parent's ajer menangis meraung-raung..

But, lama-lama memang best... Dengan suasana nya.. Semua benda pown baru.. New chairs, tables, toilet's, beds, friend's and the most important thing is, Azam yg Baru.. hehe.. school is awsome. The most worst thing is, my room is on the second floor.. and it is very tired to get upstairs.. well, whatever.. i don't really care about that.. it's about learning in a new school with new friend's which are very clever. The best part is we'll get a lot of homework.. teheeee.. lol :p

Memang SMSB best sesangat lah.. I just nak ckp yg kalau sper2 yg dpt MRSM/SBP approve.. Jgn ditolak.. Life in a Hostel is very fun.. You'll regret it if korang tolak.. Ingat, beratus2 ribu org apply nak masuk.. kalau korang dpt, memang korang bertuah.. Tpi kalau tak nak, jgn paksa.. Nanti dah byr duit mahal2 nk keluar plakk... hehe.. klah.. tue jer bt masa nie..

Thanks for reading nd jgn lupa tinggalkan comment dkt chatbox. Byeee


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